Monday 7 July 2014

Full outer join sample in MySQL - Replace a string in the dataset

Below is a sample query for doing a full outer join in MySQL:

The data joined from output_1 , output_2, output_3 and output_4 tables based on actor_link column.
We are also using the Replace() function of MySQL to replace a string in the resultant dataset.

Example Query:

select Replace(coalesce(out1.actor_link, out2.actor_link, out3.actor_link, out4.actor_link), '',''), coalesce(cnt1,0)+ coalesce(cnt2,0) + coalesce(cnt3,0) + coalesce(cnt4, 0)
(select actor_link, count(gen_key) as cnt1 from output_1 group by actor_link) out1
left outer join
(select actor_link, count(gen_key) as cnt2 from output_2 group by actor_link) out2
on out1.actor_link = out2.actor_link
left outer join
(select actor_link , count(gen_key) as cnt3 from output_3 group by actor_link) out3
on out1.actor_link = out3.actor_link
left outer join
(select actor_link , count(gen_key) as cnt4 from output_4 group by actor_link) out4
on out1.actor_link = out4.actor_link
select Replace(coalesce(out1.actor_link, out2.actor_link, out3.actor_link, out4.actor_link), '',''), coalesce(cnt1,0)+ coalesce(cnt2,0) + coalesce(cnt3,0) + coalesce(cnt4, 0)
(select actor_link, count(gen_key) as cnt1 from output_1 group by actor_link) out1
right outer join
(select actor_link, count(gen_key) as cnt2 from output_2 group by actor_link) out2
on out1.actor_link = out2.actor_link
right outer join
(select actor_link , count(gen_key) as cnt3 from output_3 group by actor_link) out3
on out1.actor_link = out3.actor_link
right outer join
(select actor_link , count(gen_key) as cnt4 from output_4 group by actor_link) out4
on out1.actor_link = out4.actor_link
where out1.actor_link <> 'actor__link'

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