Thursday, 22 January 2015

Viewpoint in Teradata - Sample screen to explain the new changes in Teradata monitor

The Teradata performance monitor is now Viewpoint. So, instead of being an application, it can be hosted and shared with developers.

Welcome to the new era of performance tuning, where we see live how the queries are performing in Teradata.
As we see in the diagram below, the skewness, CPU consumption, duration of the query, the PE status and all the other vital statistics are represented in one screen.

Thanks to #Teradata for coming up with this wonderful idea.

Teradata Viewpoint example. Vital stats about the query in one screen

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  1. Hi ,

    could you please let me know where I can see the above screen in Teradata viewpoint.


    1. Hi Veena,

      We can use the Query Monitor after turning the Rewind On. Also, for generating the above view, we need to create some views using the dbqlogtbl as well.

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